Blackboard Tests & Assignments for Instructors
3:45pm - 5:00pm on February 16 in Online via Microsoft Teams at:
Course Description
This class focuses on setting up and deploying tests, and assignments. This workshop also covers the features of the Blackboard Learn Grade Center. The Grade Center allows faculty to record grades, calculate grades, and monitor student progress. Using the Grade Center, faculty can provide and manage students' grades for a variety of assessments, including assignments, tests, discussion board posts, and journals. Faculty can also create grade columns for any activities or requirements that require grading but do not require submission through Blackboard, such as special projects, participation, or attendance.. **FOR INSTRUCTORS ONLY** To join this workshop Click This Link or visit
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Special Accommodation Requests:
Kent State University is committed to making its work environment, programs and activities accessible to those individuals with disabilities.
For employee, faculty and staff accessibility needs contact the Office of Compliance, Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action, at 330-672-2038 or For student accessibility needs contact the office of Student Accessibility Services, at 330-672-3391 or