Qualtrics Intermediate
3:45pm - 5:00pm on April 22 in Online Teams Meeting
Course Description
In this session, we'll demonstrate "practical" applications in Qualtrics, such as requiring Kent State login to access a form, distributing surveys to contact lists, and customizing the survey's look and messages. To join us, copy and paste into your browser the following link: http://tiny.cc/kj4smz
11 enrolled out of 100
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Special Accommodation Requests:
Kent State University is committed to making its work environment, programs and activities accessible to those individuals with disabilities.
For employee, faculty and staff accessibility needs contact the Office of Compliance, Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action, at 330-672-2038 or aa_eeo@kent.edu. For student accessibility needs contact the office of Student Accessibility Services, at 330-672-3391 or sas@kent.edu.